Cass County Clubs & Organizations
Atlanta Area Rotary Club The Club is a branch of Rotary International, is a diverse group of individuals who are committed to helping our community by supporting, with our labor and money, programs that we feel will make a difference. Locally, the club has awarded millions of scholarship dollars since forming in 1926.
Atlanta Lions Club. Being a Lion is about leading by example, building relationships and improving the world through kindness. It’s 1.4 million caring men and women serving together so they can make a lasting impact and change more lives.
Atlanta Chamber of Commerce The mission of the Atlanta Area Chamber of Commerce is to enhance economic growth of the Atlanta area by focusing on education, promotion and development of the business community, and those areas of the community affecting business.
Atlanta Downtown Merchants With over 20 stores and shops in downtown Atlanta, from antique malls and a cosmetics boutique to clothing shops and a jewelry store, there are endless opportunities for finding what you want.
The Cass County Genealogical Society The Cass County Genealogical Society assists those wishing to discover their lineage, and instructs them on how to research historical documentation.
Atlanta Friends of the Library Friends of the Library meet every first Tuesday of the month. The Friends’ purpose is to support the library by purchasing items not provided by the city budget, by volunteering, by providing general moral support. The Friends raise funds with an annual book sale and other miscellaneous projects throughout the year. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO BE A FRIEND AND ATTEND MEETINGS.